Why are there chaplains at uni?

Good question! Life is a journey in which, at some time, we all search for meaning and purpose. We all look for realistic sources of hope and strength. As chaplains we are committed to encouraging and supporting you in this search wherever you are in life. We invite you to join us as part of your journey.

What are chaplains here for?

     We are here for:

What do chaplains do?

Who are we?

    Paul Stock   read more
    Ben Poulton   read more
    Dianne Stock   read more
    Graham McFarlane   read more
    Isaac Fung   read more
    Michelle Larnach   read more
    Nick Wilson   read more watch
    Victoria Sibley   read more
    Xiaoou Tang   read more

Taught Plant Biology at Massey for more than ten years, Paul enjoys helping students explore how faith can work in university life. Paul is author of the book Duel or dialogue: the relationship between science and faith and really enjoys chatting with students about this topic.


I'm Nick the Catholic Chaplain at Massey Manawatu. I look forward to meeting you! I have had a career teaching in the primary, secondary, tertiary, international and boarding school sectors before coming to work for the Catholic church, where I head up Young Church Ministries for the diocese of Palmerston North. We have Mass on Wednesdays at The Centre and we run young adult events in the City from Te Ahi Kaa o Mataũranga, our formation house. Pope Francis in his document on young people called Christus vivit! makes very clear that accompaniment of young people in life is paramount. I don't invest any more or less based on your level of connection with the Church, so I look forward to meeting you as you are and journeying together for a while.



Xiaoou Tang supports Chinese students.


Dianne loves to dialogue with and encourage people in their experience of God, and in their relationships with others.


Michelle runs an Anxiety support group and loves chatting with students about life issues.


Victoria enjoys hanging out with students and helping internationals with English.


Isaac supports international students, visiting scholars, staff and their families.


Graham helps international students, his email is "grahamkarlene@gmail.com".


Kia ora, I graduated from Massey with a BSc. I lived overseas for about 15 years and know what it feels like to live and study while far away from home, so I love to help international students feel welcome and to succeed in their studies here. I do a lot of proof-reading and often meet students to practice English, study the Bible or discuss NZ culture.